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Charles is going to work on a bid, if possible.
A few notes we should point out when getting bids. I can point these out to Todd. Please let me know if we should add more.
For bids:
1) 50 ft. behind homes on WCID land. Leaving good trees, but limbing them up 6-8 feet. Discourage running through greenbelts with big machinery tearing down trees that would be good to keep. That is the cheapest option, but will leave greenbelts barren. Pruning is important and a priority.
2) Break the bid up by sections if needed. Take large bids and break down into halves or quarters if possible.
3) Mulch and leave mulch in place behind greenbelts, spread evenly.
4) Some lots have 2 “greenbelts”-1 behind and 1 on the side. Check all fence lines and focus on those.
Already written in bid from Todd:
*50′ setback from fence
*Remove trees that present a fire hazard
*Limb up trees
*Remove shrubs that present a fire hazard
*Cut grass